
I have been a Coach/Personal trainer for the last 20 years teaching over 10,000 hours of one-to-ones and classes ranging from boxing to cooking, learning from London’s best butchers, fishmongers and chefs.

Here’s what clients have to say about me…

Paul Harrild has been both a personal trainer and life coach to me and my husband for many years, and has helped us navigate many different physical, mental and emotional challenges and transformations. He is never judgmental but is able to help you set - and achieve - realistic goals, and always able to help you find a fresh perspective, whether you're trying to lead a healthier and more active life, or grapple with what seem to be intractable problems. He has a rare talent, in that he is able to come to you where you are at, so his advice, suggestions,  and the programmes he helps you devise are always doable. He's an ace trainer, and an all round lovely guy.

  • Hazel

I've been training with Paul for 18 months and it's been a hugely enjoyable and rewarding experience. He pushes me to achieve my fitness goals and helps me with nutrition and exercise at home. I've got a better body from training with Paul.

I'd highly recommend him to anyone wanting to improve their fitness.

- Charles 

Paul can be gentle, persuasive, straight to the point and very real. He meets me where I am and stretches me to my limits. He's not a pumped-up wannabe Instagram star in lycra, he's a mature man with knowledge and experience.

- Kenny 

Paul is an ace guy I have worked with for several years - cannot recommend Paul highly enough who has steered me right resulting in very good health benefits as well as improved fitness

- Kevin 

Paul has trained me (& members of my family) for many years. He is SO knowledgeable about what makes our bodies work....not just the exercises, but nutrition, lifestyle and - to use an overworked word - “Wellness”. We can talk about anything... sometimes he learns things from me, so often, I’m learning from him. He pushes me, but isn’t pushy: I have always known my limits, so don’t need anyone to encourage me with noisy clichés. I was 65 a few days ago, and feel younger today than I felt a decade ago, when I first started working with Paul. I’m certainly slimmer and less stressed than when I retired from a demanding City career.

- Andrew

Practical Nutrition Recipe Ideas

I am not somebody who is by nature driven or self motivated.  Paul's great strength is his ability to work out what it is you are trying to achieve when working with him and then to get you to achieve your targets.  I have spent periods of time not really knowing what I wanted to achieve and he has made me do things and feel as if I have achieved something I wanted to do even though I haven't said what "it" is.   After lots of gentle cajoling and putting thoughts in my head (never bossing or nagging) Paul has gradually converted me to his way of thinking and made me make the changes I need to make to loose weight and get fitter (my unstated targets!!). 

I am never bored at our sessions as I never know what I am going to do when I turn up. Best of all, we have fun. .   He is an excellent motivator tailoring how he does this taking into account my mood.  I don't weigh myself and I haven't set myself a target of completing a 10K race or a long bike ride BUT I have dropped a dress size and I am fitter and my sky high cholesterol reading has dropped to normal.   I would not have any hesitation in recommending Paul as a trainer…..he even has the capacity to train my 21 year old daughter……possibly his greatest achievement.

- Kim 

Proud to be a MenSpeak Men’s Groups facilitator

I’ve known Paul since 2016 and he is an exceptional personal trainer, nutritionist and coach. Applying his life experience, leadership skills and calming presence Paul creates a training space that operates beyond the nuts and bolts objectives of your standard PT (Lose weight…get a six pack etc…). His work and mission goes far deeper than that, with lifestyle, community and transformation at its core. Spend a few minutes talking with him and you’ll get exactly what I mean. Can’t recommend this service highly enough.


- Clive 

‘I have trained with Paul since December 2011. He has overseen my most consistent period of training, helping work me past injuries and set backs and helping me progress both generally and directly addressing postural issues, which are a result of my height.

Paul has the ability to set tough goals, ensuring that you make progress, but not so much as to get injured. His commitment to his own professional development is impressive, not only in the physical training environment, but also in allied areas such as nutrition, rehabilitation and lifestyle.

I feel that I have made considerable progress in my training. I have considerable pleasure in recommending him to others looking for a trainer.’


Me and Nick at our butchery and Practical Nutrition workshop

I've had a number of PT's over the years, from guys in your regular high st gym to private gym's 1-2-1. But what is different about Paul is the whole package that gets taken into account. I can work hard in the gym but its the bit outside the gym where I needed guidance. Making a few changes to my diet and working specific parts of the body in the gym has increased my strength massively.

- Dean 

I wanted to be in shape for my 40th, so I put myself through a tough 6-day a week training plan with the help of another personal trainer. Man, I was missing my favourite foods.

In this radio show, I talk about the pros and cons of training for body image (time position 1:20)

Paul is a one-of-a-kind personal trainer. Not only does he have reams of wide-ranging and practical knowledge pouring out of his ears, he's a good laugh and someone you can easily let your guard down around and just hang out with. Each session I have with Paul is a treasure mine of information as well as the perfect amount of motivation and support - not too much and not too little. Couldn't recommend him more!

- Bertie 

I’ve been training with Paul for over two years and in that time he has helped me increase muscle mass, improve my strength and reduce body fat, all goals set out in our initial consultation. Workouts are varied and tailored, so it’s always interesting and you’re always learning new techniques. Paul has an excellent understanding of nutrition and has guided me to drastically improve my diet, coaching me on the correct intake of macronutrients, calorie consumption, water intake and more. Paul is a consummate professional, always punctual, friendly and encouraging. Highly recommended!

- Sam